Strategy (CEO)

Alex Building


A fully sustainable and circular shipping model is by no means an easy thing to achieve and will mean answering many difficult and structural problems within our current operations and how our customers award their business, as well as how we judge safety and quality. I believe strongly in the good will of my peers and that the tide is beginning to turn in a sustainable direction, we are ready to make that leap, answer the difficult questions and commit to moving ahead together.


The vision I share with our shareholders and colleagues is achievable through partnerships, and Unigas has a deep history in making partnerships work. This gives me great encouragement that we can cross these difficult bridges together, as only together can we take the action needed to make the changes to combat the climate emergency.


The history of our company is respected throughout the industry as a leader in quality, safety, reliability and service. For the last 50 years Unigas has been a front runner on technological advances within the transportation of gases and enjoys many long-term partnerships with our valued customers. Together as citizens of the world we all face a huge period of disruption, where we all look more closely at what we do and how we impact the world around us. Unigas and our partners are committed to working with our customers and industry peers to make shipping a sustainable and circular model. We are investing heavily in digital and technical evolutions to better prepare our service for the years ahead.


We are also investing in our people, putting together talented teams with technical, commercial and operational excellence to challenge and disrupt our models and standard practices. We want to treat our people the right way, give them the right environment and support to achieve their goals, a company which they can continue to identify with and can be proud of working for. Through a culture of responsibility, ownership and a service minded approach, we are preparing ourselves to be the go-to solution provider for circular and sustainable shipping solutions. Our new tag line is not just for our customers, but internally we use it as a pillar of our culture, thinking of those around you and how you can help them, if we all work this way then our efforts are multiplied, so within Unigas it is also “all about ”.


                                                            Unigas Blue